Pretul biletui include si albumul “SWEEPIN’ the DUST” in format DIGITAL - 100 ron
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Sau prin mesaj:
Vali Racila and Raul Kusak are the living proof that you don't have to come from Southern part of the U.S. to emote passionate but subtle blues moans that come from a place deep within the human spirit. I saw them over a few days in Romania and will cherish always their ability to simply connect with me and the rest of the audience that clung to their every breath, note and word.
Steve Hecht
RSVP - 0752.206.746
100 lei (prețul biletului include albumul “SWEEPIN’ the DUST” în format DIGITAL)
100 lei (prețul biletului include albumul “SWEEPIN’ the DUST” în format DIGITAL)