The Animest International Animation Film Festival brings something special beyond young audience oriented events, films for the entire family, or industry events. During October 6-15, our most daring adult audiences are in for a few white nights dedicated to animation: extravagantly gory narratives, bizarre shorts, musical explorations, and plain ol’ sexy times. Trippy Animatio...
The annual retrospective dedicated to countries with a strong presence on the international map of animated film is already a tradition at Animest. On our 18th edition, we are celebrating Latvian cinema alongside Atom Art, our Latvian guest animation studio, and renowned Latvian creators who will take part in Animest screenings and artist talks during October 6-15, offering aud...
Some anchored in our day-to-day reality, others floating in fantastical worlds, all increasingly courageous in their approach to animation styles, the 15 films in the Romanian Competition at Animest.18 embody the optimistic future of the local animation industry. The productions, authored by students at the beginning of promising careers as well as by established professionals,...
Like a Fish on the Moon by Iranian director Dornaz Hajiha was the big winner at the Transilvania IFF.22 Awards Gala that took place on Saturday evening in Cluj – Napoca. Together with Carolina Markowicz (Best Directing Award) and director Tia Kouvo (Special Jury Award), Hajiha marks a premier in the history of the festival as it is for the first time when the most important awa...
Transilvania Trophy, worth €10,000 - Like A Fish On The Moon, directed by Dornaz Hajiha Best Directing Award, worth €3,500, offered by Fortech - Charcoal, directed by Carolina Markowicz Special Jury Award, worth €1,500, offered by Cemacon - Family Time, directed by Tia Kouvo Best Performance Award, worth €1.000, offered by Conceptual Lab by Theo Nissim - Nacho Quesada,...
"Did you know that people are more beautiful when we hear their voice?" Like a Fish on the Moon, the winner of this year's Transilvania Trophy and the ex-aequo award for Best Actress (Sepidar Tari), is a restrained family drama that finds tension in the small details of everyday life. From the beginning, we know that something is wrong in the relationship between Haleh (Tari) a...
In his characteristic style, Wes Anderson returns with a new film in effervescent colors, with a captivating soundtrack and sharp, highly detailed dialogues full of cultural references. The filmmaker once again employs the narrative within a narrative device and sets the action in Asteroid City, which had its world premiere at Cannes this year. The film is presented in two d...
The incomparable Horațiu Mălăele returns with a new display of ingenuity in "Sunt un orb", on Saturday, June 17, starting at 19:00, at Cinema Florin Piersic. Described by Ion Caramitru as possibly the best product of Romanian theater in the past 20 years, Mălăele captivates the audience with the novelty he brings to the stage in each performance. Full of humor and grace, the...
This year, in the section dedicated to special screenings, we bring out from the trunk of memories a film that evokes the historical foundations of Romanian cinema. We're talking about the movie "Piciu" (1985), starring Horațiu Mălăele, which will receive the Excellence Award at TIFF.22. The film features many important figures such as Victor Rebengiuc and Dorel Vișan and will...
Cristi Puiu's films have always had socio-political implications. If The Death of Mr Lăzărescu (2005) was about the health system (political), and Sieranevada (2016) perfectly captured the little idiosyncrasies of a Romanian family (social), then MMXX (2023) is at the intersection of the two. Equally social and political, MMXX exploits both the personal relationships of Oana, a...
He is part of a super exclusive group - that of actors who have achieved the so-called Triple Crown of Acting - an Oscar, an Emmy, and a Tony Award - and is one of the most renowned Australian artists of all time: Geoffrey Rush has come to Cluj-Napoca, where he will be honored for his entire career at the Closing Gala of the Transilvania International Film Festival. The event w...
Transilvania International Film Festival announces the Full Moon Creative Lab, a project designed for European scriptwriters specialising in genre TV series: thriller, fantasy, and horror. The program, supported by Creative Europe MEDIA, consists of creative residencies taking place in Transylvania (Romania) until 2025, during which candidates will be mentored by accomplished i...
Known especially for his eccentric roles in both films and TV series, as well as in theater productions, Geoffrey Rush is one of the most acclaimed actors of his generation. He honed his skills in Paris, where he studied mime with Jacques Lecoq, and spent two decades performing on the Australian stage before one of his first major film roles, in Shine (dir. Scott Hicks, 1996),...